Our exclusive 'Sweet Heart'
This is our popular and exclusive Sweet Heart which you can hire to use at your own wedding or ceremony. You can see from the images how versatile this item is and can easily form the centre piece to your event.
Post Box
Another firm favourite is the post box. We have these easy to manage and construct post boxes to hire at very reasonable rates and personalised if required.
Rain or Shine the wedding is on!.
A rain shower always appears at the wrong time so make sure you have some
of these on hand just in case.

"Rain or shine our big days happen and with sweet heart hire there umbrellas kept our guests dry with storm Caria on the approach. All complete with a personal sign.
Would 100% recommend his products." Mr & Mrs Bourne
Wishing Tree
The Wishing Tree is also popular and now available to hire at very reasonable rates and personalised if required.